The conference took place in Ventotene, Italy from the 7th until the 12th of September 2015.
Stefano Francaviglia (Università di Bologna)
Roberto Frigerio (Università di Pisa)
Alessandra Iozzi (ETHZ)
Kate Juschenko (Northwestern University)
Gabriele Mondello (Università di Roma La Sapienza)
Michah Sageev (Technion)
We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of:
- the U.S.A. National Science Foundation
- Nicolas Monod's European Research Council grant
- the Zürich Graduate School of Mathematics
- Emmanuel Kowalski's ETHZ research grant
- the Department of Mathematics of ETHZ
- the GNSAGA from the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica
- the Compositio Foundation
- the PRIN from the Università di Pisa "Varietà reali e complesse: geometria, topologia e analisi armonica" (national coordinator: Fulvio Ricci, local coordinator: Riccardo Benedetti) and the
PRIN from the Università di Roma Sapienza "Spazi di moduli e teoria di Lie" (national and local coordinator: Corrado De Concini)
- the FIRB (Università di Pisa)
- the Department of Mathematics of the Università di Bologna
- the Swiss Mathematical Society
- the ANR-10-BLAN 0116, GGAA
- the Stiftung zur Förderung der mathematischen Wissenschaften in der Schweiz
There were research talks in addition to the following three minicourses revolving around the general topic of Towers of Covers:
In addition to the minicourses there were 75' morning talks to complement the minicourses and nine 45' afternoon talks.
Here is the complete schedule. The talks were held in the Centro Polivalente, very near the
Hotel Isolabella. (Here is also a picture of the Centro Polivalente during
a talk of the European Federalist Movement: there are not whiteboards as we have just bought them.)
Morning speakers:
Afternoon speakers:
Bounds on the homology torsion, Uri Bader (Weizmann Institute)
Finite covers of 3-manifolds, virtual Thurston norms and simplicial volume, Michel Boileau (Université de
Expansion, Random Walks and Sieving in SL(2,F_p [t]), Henry Bradford (Oxford University)
Profinite rigidity and low dimensional orbifolds, Martin Bridson (Oxford University)
How much cohomology do arithmetic groups have?, Frank Calegari (University of Chicago)
Asymptotic properties of Z^n actions, Filippo Ceroccchi (CRM Ennio De Giorgi)
Betti numbers of towers of covers of reflection groups, Mike Davis (Ohio State University) [slides]
On hyperbolic groups whose boundaries are spheres, Ursula Hamenstädt (Universität Bonn)
Partial survey on presentations and growth of profinite groups of arithmetic type, Bertrand Rémy (École